Wednesday, February 13, 2013


Today was the 100th Day of School!  I wore my 100 Days sweatshirt and the class enjoyed seeing that!  Everyone got a 100 Day sticker too!  We had a crazy, fun day!

I always over plan for 100 Day, as there are so many exciting things to be done.  Here are some of the things I usually do for 100 Day.  I don't get to do everything every year, but I keep a list in my 100 Day folder so I can pick and choose from year to year based on the time we have.

*  Count by ones, twos, fives, tens, and twenty-fives to 100.

*  Read a book about the 100th day of school.

*  Every student brings in 100 things to share. (I always give at least a week's notice for this.)

*  100 Day movements: walk 100 steps, do 100 jumping jacks, etc...

* 100 Day writing projects (What would you do with $100... always very interesting answers!)

*  100 sticker animal.  The students draw an animal on a large piece of paper and then cover the lines using exactly 100 stickers.  My students ALWAYS love this one!  (Teacher's note- try to buy the stickers in sheets of 100.  That saves a great deal of time instead of cutting apart sticker sheets to make sets of 100!  The small circle smiles work great for this!)

*  100 Day Cereal Necklaces  (see below)

and so on......

We do so many different activities for the 100th Day of school, but my favorite project is the 100 Day Cereal Necklace.  It can be very time consuming though...


blank hundred charts
2 large boxes of "Froot Loop" style cereal
yarn or string
napkins or paper plates

1.  The students fill in the 100 chart (in pencil in case mistakes are made.)
2.  Cover each space with a piece of cereal.  (generic Froot Loops work well!)
3.  Once all 100 spaces are filled, students put them onto the string.
4.  Teacher ties the necklaces when complete.

To save time, you can use a 100 chart already filled in.  If you run out of time, having sandwich baggies around are helpful for those who are not finished to take it home.

I received a lot of smiles and hugs today for this project!  It's great to see students so excited about learning!

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