Sunday, January 5, 2014


I would guess that most teachers experience an End Of Vacation Blues.  That moment when you realize your nice Christmas vacation is just about over, and you need to get the brain and body back into "school mode".  I figured mine would come later today, after I got home and realized what I had to do to get myself and my kids ready for school tomorrow.  On the way to lunch after church, I even got a text from a teacher friend that her depression had already set in.  Boo for vacation ending!  Boo for 9 long weeks until Spring Break!
And then we went to lunch.  We went to Genghis Grill, one of my family's favorite places.  I was busy paying attention to my active 6-year-old in the line, when I heard a young man behind the counter say, "Is your last name Cravins?"  I looked up and saw that he looked familiar, but before I could place him, he continued, "You were my first grade teacher!"  I asked him his name, and when he told me I immediately remembered who he was.  We chatted for a quick minute or so.  I was amazed at this young man.  I was his first grade teacher TEN years ago!  He is a Junior in High School now!  Craziness!  But it made my day!  He remembered me, ten years later. 

So, I do feel a twinge of sadness at my vacation ending today, but also a little excitement too.  I wonder how many of my current students will remember me in ten years if they saw me outside of school. 

I doubt I'll be very excited tomorrow morning about going back to school, but we'll get back into a routine, and then start talking about the "S" word.  My third graders have a lot of work to do to be ready for the STAAR test in April.  Fun times....(sigh), but at least we have Spring Break in 9 weeks!

Thursday, January 2, 2014


Today I found something wonderful for my classroom!  This is something I have really needed!
Yes! A LOCKING 3 drawer file cabinet!  Hurray!!  Although I do have a file cabinet in my classroom, it does not lock.  I even ordered a key for it online (paid about $20), but when I tried it out, I discovered that the locking mechanism is broken.  My district has a furniture shortage right now, so they can't get me one that locks.  I really need a place to lock up my purse in my classroom.  None of my desk drawers or cabinets lock.  I also needed a place to lock up my iPod Touches that we use for various centers.  Currently I have to take all four of them home every night, along with our new iPad.  I am blessed to have so many electronics this year, but it is a hassle to take them home and back daily.  Now I can just lock them up in the top drawer!  Very exciting!
     In case anyone is interested,  I found this file cabinet at Walmart for $39.88.  Target has one in a cream color for $50.99.