Unfortunately for me, the carpet was not cleaned yet when I arrived. So everything had to be moved off the carpet onto the small tiled area, which had already been waxed.
I made great progress on Day 2. I started on my classroom library. I have a small rug to go in front. When I need to work with one student, the rest can sit here and read. The metal shelving with the blue buckets holds more books! (The door behind the metal shelving is for the restroom of the adjacent Pre-K classroom which we will not use.) These books are intended for my after school Reading program, but hopefully now more kids will enjoy them during the day as well.
Almost finished....
I inherited this Pre-K table, which must stay in the room. My seat crates fit perfectly with it!
I LOVE the wall cabinets! I do have a lot to sort through, but I still have time.
A two-stall restoom for us!!! (with some Pre-K furniture stored in there as well.)
Time for a break!

Looking good!!