Friday, December 19, 2014


After a very crazy week, I was finally able to sit down and relax about 8pm Friday night.  I checked Facebook, found something cute from TPT that was posted, and the next thing I knew, I'm downloading and prepping a cute Math QR code task card set for my classroom!

First I downloaded this to use later: (click to check it out!)
 TPT: Kids with Snowflakes

Then I found this to use right away in January! (click to check it out)
 TPT: Word Problem Task Cards

I felt like I was a character in a Laura Numeroff book!

If you give a teacher a break, she's going to want to check Facebook, if she checks Facebook, she'll see that someone posted a cute clipart freebie on Teachers Pay Teachers.  That will remind her that she needs to look for a cute QR code word problem task card set, so she checks TPT.  She finds a perfect one on TPT that will match the Space theme of the January Science Unit, so she purchases it and downloads it.  Then she prints it. Then the printer runs out of ink, so she changes the cartridge. Then the cardstock has to be loaded into the printer one sheet at a time.  Once it's all printed, the teacher decides to cut and laminate it another day so she can take a break.  Taking a break will remind her that she was checking Facebook earlier, and chances are, if she checks Facebook, she'll probably end up doing more teaching stuff.

I think I'll just go watch tv now.  ;)

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