Saturday, September 8, 2012


This week I rearranged my desks several times for different reasons- a new first grade student, first grade district Math assessment on one day, second grade district Math assessment on another day.  I didn't think much about it until a teacher friend stopped in and laughed about how every time she visits, the desks are different!  I still haven't found the "best" way to arrange my desks, to keep grade levels together, but apart from each other.... but I feel confident that first grade is finally perfect:

(well, almost perfect in the picture- the desks on the left have since been moved to be straight!)

  Second grade is farther from the board, and now that their testing is complete, they need to be moved into new groups on Monday, while still having a clear view of the board.  I had them in one large group before, but some students were too far from the board, which made Math more difficult.  I have two ideas to try out, so hopefully one of those will work and we won't need to keep moving!  (picture coming next week!)

On a random note, I discovered a new trick to keep myself sane with the two grade levels of copies!  I now write a small "1" or "2" or "all" in a corner of the original.  This way, once my copies are made, I don't need to waste time trying to remember what copy was for which grade!

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