We use the Fountas and Pinnell Benchmark Assessment System for Reading. My Tier 1 students are tested three or four times a year using this kit, while my Tier 2 and 3 students are tested more often. I have received TONS and TONS of training on how to use this form of assessment. Not even exaggerating people! TONS! I could probably even give the training in my sleep! I had yet another training on it in December, but actually walked away with something new, something totally awesome! I couldn't believe it!
This little app right here!
I have NEVER paid more than $1.99 for an app, but I willingly paid $14.99 to have the Fountas and Pinnell Benchmark Assessment System 1 on my iPad! And I love it!
I didn't have to make any copies of the assessments! I just had the books ready, the app ready and away we went! I can go back and view the data anytime. It took a little getting used to, figuring out how to code everything with just a stylus, but there is a video that really helps sort it all out!
The only problem I have with the app is that all data will be deleted over the summer. I will have to print out what I want to save for next year's teacher. I will also print out the assessments that might be needed for the RTI process. There is no need to have all of that paperwork just lying around, just print what you need to!
The second reason this testing process went so smoothly is that my Principal authorized the Kinder, First, and Second Grade teachers to have a 1/2 day substitute so that we could test in peace and quiet! I was able to get 1/2 of my class completed during that time, and the rest were tested during Intervention time and Small Group Reading time. It made a tremendous difference!
We have other Middle of the Year assessments to work with, but this was the most time consuming, and in my opinion, the most accurate way to assess reading levels.
We are 1/2 way through this year! Pretty soon it'll be time to start counting the days until Spring Break, and then Summer!

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