Wednesday, December 30, 2015


The Target Dollar Spot gets me every time!  Today, just a few days after Christmas, they had Valentine's items out!  I love to buy seasonal pencils for my students.  February may be two months away, but these cute pencils will be gone in a week or two!

I also found these awesome Number Matching games for $1!   
I had been eyeing something like this on Pinterest, but honestly just didn't get around to making them.  I have two students who are unable to count objects correctly.  Both are in the RTI process, with one heading toward Special Ed testing. I have tried different counting activities with them, but the independent practice hasn't been going very well.  I am hoping these counting wheels will help! 

Not far from the Dollar Spot is the water fountain.  Target posts community information there and I was thrilled to see my school mentioned!  We recently had Target volunteers at my school to set up a Learning Garden.  They cleaned up our existing garden area and built several raised vegetable beds.  It not only looks fantastic, but it is a great learning environment for our students!

You never know what you'll find in Target!

1 comment:

  1. I cannot think of Valentine's this early!!!! Love that they showcased our campus ---so cool.
