Friday, October 10, 2014

RULE # 1 and RULE # 2

Ever since my first year of teaching, I have followed two rules faithfully:

Rule # 1:  Never leave the classroom for the day until the next day's lessons/materials are ready.  

A college professor instilled this idea in me by explaining that you don't really know what's going to happen in life.  You could get sick, get in a car accident, etc...  A substitute teacher should be able to walk in, see your lesson pile, and teach the students in your absence without worry.

So I leave everything for the next day in a neat stack on my desk, in order, of course, with a clipboard on top with the daily schedule. (The rest of my desk may not be very neat right now, but the next day's lesson pile always is!)

Rule # 2:  Never leave on Friday until the next week's copies/materials are ready.

I have used stacking bins with the days of the week written on them for many years.  Everything goes into the bin that I might need: copies, supplies, manuals, etc.  Having everything ready for the week makes Rule #1 so much easier!

But this year, I just can't seem to keep up with Rule #2!  Instead of planning by the week, I've only been able to plan a day or two at a time. It's been crazy!  I have a new Math Curriculum and a new Science Curriculum this year, which take longer to plan for because they are not familiar yet.  Also, I have been spending more time with family in the evenings and weekends, rather than planning as much at home as I usually do. (But that is a good thing!)  I think I need to take a day off from school to work on school planning and prepping!  Lol! 

I know I will catch up eventually, but we're heading into the 8th week of school and this is so unusual for me!  Since my school is making SMART goals, maybe "I will start following Rule #2 by Thanksgiving Break." would be a good one. Let's hope it doesn't take that long though!

1 comment:

  1. Don't worry you are not the only one. I hope I meet that goal before thanksgiving, but it is not looking good.
