Sunday, October 21, 2012


My students have been working very hard, and needed more fun in their learning.  I came across the idea of  using candy corn to teach contractions, as my second graders were working on contractions.  But then I realized that the candy corn would fit perfectly into what both my first and second graders were doing in Math!  It turned out to be a great informal assessment as well.  It was easy to see who understood the concept, and who would need more practice.

First Grade worked on making parts of ten.  First they had to count out 10 counters, and decide how they wanted to make two parts of ten.  Then they decorated their candy corn.

Second grade was working on ordering two-digit numbers.  They were each given different numbers on three post-it notes.  They had to put the numbers in order, and then decorate their candy corn.

Both grade levels enjoyed making the candy corn.  I gave each student some real candy corn to try, as some of my students had never eaten any. That was a real hit!  

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