Summer Reading Alert:
The Next Step Forward in Guided Reading: An Assess-Decide-Guide Framework for Supporting Every Reader
by Jan Richardson
I've been thinking a great deal about how to improve Guided Reading. I think over time, it's easy to cut corners and not plan ahead for such an important component of Reading Instruction. I believe that Reading Instruction without Guided Reading in the primary grades is not effective. Guided Reading is the time to work with kids at their own levels. Guided Reading is when you see the most growth in a child's Reading ability. It is absolutely vital to developing good readers!
The Next Step Forward in Guided Reading is easy to read and easy to follow. It is organized by Reading level, with Pre-A having its own section. Kinder teachers are often overlooked in regards to Guided Reading training, but this book is a must-read for every Kinder teacher through 3rd grade Reading teacher. Our 3rd grade teachers tend to skip traditional Guided Reading groups, but with fewer 3rd graders able to read on grade level these days, it is an important component that needs to be put back into practice.
This book includes lesson plan guides, strategies, and many resources for understanding, planning, and implementing Guided Reading in the classroom. I used my highlighter and post-it note tabs frequently as I read through it, and I will continue to use and reference this book for some time to come!
As for Lesson Plan templates, I have been using the Guided Reading Lessons Plans from JD's Rockin' Readers, and I highly recommend those. They are easy to use, easy to plan with. The ones included in The Next Step Forward are also good, and have a little more to do. I find that keeping these lesson plan copies are great documentation for RTI. Our RTI committee can be strict in their request for data showing interventions, and these Guided Reading Lesson Plan templates have been wonderful to show in RTI meetings. I keep notes in each section, or at the end to document struggles and growth.
If you are a Kinder to 3rd grade Reading teacher, Reading Specialist, or Reading Intervention Teacher, I highly recommend getting your own copy of The Next Step Forward in Guided Reading. I'm also really looking forward to getting my hands on the new Fountas and Pinnell Classroom, but that's a topic for another time (it's AWESOME!!!).
Happy Reading!