Friday, January 13, 2017


I love to organize things!

I have many Reading Groups throughout the week from Kinder to 5th Grade, but didn't have a good way of organizing my Fountas and Pinnell Leveled Library Intervention materials for each group.  I decided to lay everything out on an unused table and then create a printed sign for each pile.  But it was unsightly and I was going to run out of room with all of my groups!  I have several more piles that needed to be added!

I purchased tall IKEA Trofast storage shelves a few years ago for my daughter's room.  Now that she doesn't need them anymore, I knew it would be the perfect answer to organize my Reading materials!  I have some clear label pockets I will add to each tub so I can change out the group title as needed.  I placed this very close to my kidney teaching table so I can grab the tub when it's time for that group and return it with ease!

I haven't decided how to use the rolling black drawer cart yet, but I'm sure it will be put to good use very soon!

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