Sunday, January 29, 2017


January has been busy!  Our Christmas Break went longer into January this year, and then we hit the ground running with Fountas and Pinnell Reading testing of our Kinder, First, and some Second grade students.  We also held several grade level RTI meetings to smooth out that process and help it run a little smoother and a lot faster!  We also had IOWA testing for 3rd-5th graders.  I'm looking forward to getting back into my regular schedule next week.  I've even added a few new groups based on the testing results.  I just need more time to plan for all the groups!

I was very glad to put away the Fountas and Pinnell BAS Kit 1 this week!  I still have Kit 2 out to Progress Monitor one fourth grader and one fifth grader, and then I'm all caught up and will put it away too!  Yeah!


With so many things going on in my Intervention World, I remembered seeing this meme and just had to find it!  I don't just have a lot of ducks to put in a row, I have crazy squirrels running around!
Then I remembered a wonderful piece of advice I received about my new position.  No matter how many things you have to do, you need to be able to stop whatever you're working on, handle something else that comes up, and come back to it later without stressing over how much you have to do.  This week during a meeting someone needed to use my laptop and it took awhile to minimize all the tabs I had open.  I have plenty of things I'm working on at once.  But the good news is....I wasn't stressed one bit.  I know everything will get done eventually, so there's no need to stress about it.  That's a really big step for me!  No worries little squirrels!

Friday, January 13, 2017


I love to organize things!

I have many Reading Groups throughout the week from Kinder to 5th Grade, but didn't have a good way of organizing my Fountas and Pinnell Leveled Library Intervention materials for each group.  I decided to lay everything out on an unused table and then create a printed sign for each pile.  But it was unsightly and I was going to run out of room with all of my groups!  I have several more piles that needed to be added!

I purchased tall IKEA Trofast storage shelves a few years ago for my daughter's room.  Now that she doesn't need them anymore, I knew it would be the perfect answer to organize my Reading materials!  I have some clear label pockets I will add to each tub so I can change out the group title as needed.  I placed this very close to my kidney teaching table so I can grab the tub when it's time for that group and return it with ease!

I haven't decided how to use the rolling black drawer cart yet, but I'm sure it will be put to good use very soon!