Monday, February 29, 2016


I may not be an expert in education, but after fifteen years as a classroom teacher, nine of those with Special Education Certification, I do believe that I have some expertise in the area of how children learn, especially the children in my own classroom.  So if I work with a child for five months and see no growth, I know there is a problem. I have plenty of documentation to back it up. We must investigate and find out how that child learns best.  I hate that some parts of my beloved career have turned into a fight. I must and I will fight for my students. I just shouldn't have to. We should all be on the same page, working together to provide the best possible education for every child.  

Someone asked me why I bother?  It takes up my personal time and eats up my energy to fight for what a student needs. The answer is simple: what if he/she were my own child? I would want the best for my own child, so I must give the best to the children in my care.  It's as simple as that.

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