Saturday, August 15, 2015


On Day 3 I concentrated on unpacking boxes. I'm in a classroom with very little storage, so I am going through my things and getting rid of items that I don't need. I'm also going through the things I inherited from a retired teacher and deciding what to keep.
I had to break down the boxes for the custodians to take.  I also had 5 large bags of trash!

This table is filled with plastic containers. I knew I had a lot, but I didn't realize how much I had until there was no place to store them!  On Monday I will go through the pile and keep only what I know I will use for the year, plus one tote of extras containers just in case, which I will store under a table. We always use my extra containers for Math Night, so I'll be sure to save what I think we'll need. What this also means is no more trips to Dollar Tree. It's just too tempting!  No more plastic containers! 
Things are looking neater overall. The class library is almost complete.  I'm still working on the back corner where the Reading table is located, and my desk area. (I'll spare you that mess!)

Once I get everything put away, I will get some things up on the wall!  One of my whiteboards is coming off the wall so I took a peek underneath it. There is a green chalkboard with black lines on it underneath the white boards.  Then I noticed this metal plate:
Instructions on how to take care of the chalkboard!  (Boy is my classroom old!)  I am grateful for the white boards!  

Next week starts the official Back to School schedule!  One and a half days to finish up my classroom and get ready for the first week with students, 3 days of Staff Development, and the week wraps up with District Convocation.  It will be a busy week!

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