Sunday, April 26, 2015


Bleach is my Achilles Heel.  Seriously!  I am not allowed to use bleach in my home because it always leads to disaster!  I discovered that every time I used bleach, no matter how little or large the quantity, whatever I was wearing was guaranteed to be ruined!  So now when anything needs to be bleached, another adult in my household takes care of it, and is sure to warn me about the location of said bleach so I can avoid the area.  We have it worked out nicely.  And my clothes never get ruined by bleach anymore!

So imagine my surprise to discover that I had an unexpected run-in with bleach at my school on Friday!  I had no idea bleach was being used somewhere in the building, but wouldn't you know it, the bleach found me!

I like to wear college shirts to school on Fridays. It opens up a world of possibilities to kids who will struggle to finish high school. I want them to be aware that they have many choices in their future!  So I have two college shirts that I wear.  That day I wore my Wheaton College shirt from Wheaton, Illinois, where I received my BA in Elementary Education.  The shirt is navy blue with orange letters. I recall looking it over in the morning and thinking that I should get a new one for the next school year as the colors were fading,  but it was just fine for now!
About 2pm, after returning from the staff restroom and lounge, I looked down to discover the bleach spot!  On my navy blue shirt!

I questioned how on earth I could find bleach at school. Maybe it was like that from home. Nope!  That happened at school!  Bleach found me! It always does! 

So, it's really not a big deal.  I was going to order a new Wheaton College shirt anyway.  But it's just my luck to have clothes ruined by school!

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