Rule # 1: Never leave the classroom for the day until the next day's lessons/materials are ready.
A college professor instilled this idea in me by explaining that you don't really know what's going to happen in life. You could get sick, get in a car accident, etc... A substitute teacher should be able to walk in, see your lesson pile, and teach the students in your absence without worry.
So I leave everything for the next day in a neat stack on my desk, in order, of course, with a clipboard on top with the daily schedule. (The rest of my desk may not be very neat right now, but the next day's lesson pile always is!)
Rule # 2: Never leave on Friday until the next week's copies/materials are ready.
I have used stacking bins with the days of the week written on them for many years. Everything goes into the bin that I might need: copies, supplies, manuals, etc. Having everything ready for the week makes Rule #1 so much easier!
But this year, I just can't seem to keep up with Rule #2! Instead of planning by the week, I've only been able to plan a day or two at a time. It's been crazy! I have a new Math Curriculum and a new Science Curriculum this year, which take longer to plan for because they are not familiar yet. Also, I have been spending more time with family in the evenings and weekends, rather than planning as much at home as I usually do. (But that is a good thing!) I think I need to take a day off from school to work on school planning and prepping! Lol!
But this year, I just can't seem to keep up with Rule #2! Instead of planning by the week, I've only been able to plan a day or two at a time. It's been crazy! I have a new Math Curriculum and a new Science Curriculum this year, which take longer to plan for because they are not familiar yet. Also, I have been spending more time with family in the evenings and weekends, rather than planning as much at home as I usually do. (But that is a good thing!) I think I need to take a day off from school to work on school planning and prepping! Lol!
Don't worry you are not the only one. I hope I meet that goal before thanksgiving, but it is not looking good.