Monday, August 12, 2013


Day 3 had a little trouble getting started!  I knew how much work I wanted to accomplish today (a lot!!), so instead, I went to visit a fellow teacher down the hall, and then down to the office to chit-chat and see what was new.  It's always nice to catch up with friends after a long break!

Fortified with a cold can of tea from the soda machine in the Teacher's Lounge (a new and welcome addition to the soda machine!), I headed back to my room and WORKED!!!

13 boxes and 2 totes (not pictured) unpacked and put away!  I always like to see the pile of empty boxes when I unpack- it really shows progress!

Getting better.....the pile on the back counter is almost gone!

 I have plans to rearrange the various tables and the computer center, but the student desks need to be clustered around the Promethean Board.

 Wow!  This was a big improvement from yesterday!!!  Just a bit more to finish and then I can decorate!

Here is the view of the other corner- my Library will be in the same place as it was in my previous room (next door) last year- but the backing came off of the bookshelf and needs to be put back on with a staple gun before books can be put on it.  Let's hope I don't staple my fingers in the process!

I look forward to finishing up the unpacking and setting up so I can get to the fun part: DECORATING!

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