We are 7 weeks into the school year as a First and Second Grade Combo Class. The routines are in place, and most days are good. The most frustrating part for me is the lack of time. Because I am teaching two different grades, I have to teach them both in the same amount of time that traditional teachers have to teach one grade.
Last week I was faced with the most challenging part of this job. My first graders were struggling with subtraction (a new concept). They were all engaged and really wanted to "get it". I glanced at the clock and realized that we had already gone over their time, but we still weren't finished with that day's lesson because they needed extra time to understand it. I was faced with a difficult choice. I could stop teaching and try again the next day, lose the teachable moment, get behind from where the district says we're supposed to be, and send them off to the Math Centers so I could teach the second graders their lesson. Or, continue to teach them and cut short the lesson for the second graders. Ultimately I decided to give them a little more time until we came to a better stopping place, we would continue that lesson the next day, and my second graders did have a much shorter lesson that day. I face these decisions more often than I like to. It is a constant struggle to be fair to both grades, to make sure that both grades get the instruction and attention that they need. I guess it all balances out in the end, as some days the second graders need more time. I would like to think that most days they get equal time, as long as I am organized and stay on my toes.
By the time summer comes, I may be completely and utterly exhausted, but I will rest assured that I did what was best for my students. I pray that it will be enough to make them successful not only this year, but the next year as well. As for me, I am planning a fantastic summer vacation to the "Happiest Place on Earth". I think it will be a very well-deserved vacation!
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