This past school year was my second year as an Intervention Teacher. I thoroughly enjoyed using the Fountas and Pinnell Leveled Literacy Intervention kits with 1st-4th graders this year. I love this program! Seeing how much the students can grow in their reading ability is awesome!
I used the Orange, Green, Blue, and Red kits this year.
This year was also my second year as a member of my campus Leadership Team. This was an eye-opening experience to see the school as a whole campus with so many moving parts, rather than just looking at one grade level. I learned a great deal about Leadership, and I really enjoyed the experience! My favorite part was being able to help students and teachers navigate through the RTI process. We implemented grade level RTI meetings every six weeks so we could touch base on our struggling students, and discuss needs and intervention.
Overall, it was a good year! My personal time was very busy outside of school spending more time with my children and the creation of Little Frog Ranch. Next school year brings some incredibly exciting changes, so another blog post will be coming soon! (I promise!)
Happy Summer!