I saw some cute ideas online about how to stay sane and have fun while "Actively Monitoring" during State Assessments. Here in Texas, students take the STAAR test. This was my first year to give the STAAR, so I was curious how my fellow teachers could stay sane during four straight hours of walking around the classroom actively monitoring, for two days in a row! So I put a poster board, post-it notes, and a pen in the Teacher's Lounge, and here is the result:
Ways to have fun while "Actively Monitoring" during STAAR
(in no particular order)
(excuse the grammar errors on a couple of these, but they were still a good idea!)
I had a hard time choosing a favorite! I thought these were great ideas! I even did a few! I also came up with a new one to add, as I ended up redesigning my classroom for next year, in my head, of course! And I did think a lot about summer!