Monday, February 17, 2014


One of the things my 3rd grade students are struggling with is Inferencing and Drawing Conclusions.  My partner teacher and I were looking for fun and creative ways to strengthen their skills in those areas without more long practice stories and practice tests.

After a recent visit to a friend's classroom, I noticed that she uses a lot of QR codes in her teaching.  She not only uses them in her classroom, but also on her bulletin board in the hallway.  So yesterday while searching through Teachers Pay Teachers for some fun and creative Inferencing activities, I found one that also has QR codes!

This pack has 24 inference task cards that you hang around the room and the students write their answers down.  The QR codes were sold separately (well worth the $1!). (click on the picture to see it in TPT.) The students will use my class iPod Touches to check their answers using the QR codes! 

Yesterday I printed, cut, and laminated the Inference cards.  12 will go on my hallway bulletin board, and 12 will go on my partner teacher's hallway bulletin board. We make a great team!

I have 4 iPod Touches already in my classroom that we use daily for Math Centers.  I worked on cleaning them up, and installing the QR Reader.  I also have two old iPhones at home that I am getting ready for classroom use as well!

Here is my finished product!

My students were very excited to see this!  We introduced it today, and will start tomorrow.  I have a special container for the answer recording sheets, clipboards, and iPods to keep everything organized. Other grades will be able to use it as well.  Learning will be happening in the hallways!  Learning will be happening everywhere!

Saturday, February 15, 2014


One of the best places for teachers to get ideas is from the classrooms of other teachers! Earlier this year, I visited two teacher friends at a different school and gained some great ideas from just looking around their rooms and talking with them.  Last weekend, I visited another teacher's room in a different school and came away with even more ideas!

 I have seen this idea on Pinterest, but seeing one in person was much better!  This is such a neat idea!  This will be added to my summer to-do list!  Very cool!
Moving up to 3rd grade this year, I have a lot more chapter books in my classroom than in previous years.  I dislike the lack of organization in my bookcases from the chapter books.  My picture books all have nice colorful buckets with labels, but my chapter books are a mess!  I LOVE this idea of separating different books.  I could do it by author, theme, genre, reading level, etc!  I will be looking for these for my classroom!

I have something similar to this for my picture books- but these containers have a plastic label piece that lifts up and out, and can be written on with a dry erase marker.  I think these would make great containers for my Math and Science buckets! I believe they came with lids too!

I have several new ideas for my to-do list!  I try to stay out of The Container Store because I could spend a great deal of time and money there.  However, I think a trip there is in my future!  

Special thanks to K.Y. for letting me take pictures of her room.   She should have her own blog!  She had so many neat ideas in there but I could only focus on a few at a time!  There is one more really big idea I got from her room that I will blog about next... QR codes!