Tuesday, March 26, 2013


Today was a crazy day! Well, crazier than usual anyway in my first/second grade combo class!

 During our tornado drill this morning, one 1st grader decided that she couldn't "duck and cover" because she "didn't know how" (despite the plethora of times she had done it before!), and proceeded to yell and argue with several teachers about it instead of just doing it!  She spent the rest of the day arguing, yelling, and crying about various things.

I had to solve the drama of the dollars and pencils.  Two girls were given dollar bills from one girl. They bought a mechanical pencil from a boy.  The first girl wanted her money back, and we had to spend precious class time undoing the various transactions that took place, while reminding students that they can't give their money away, nor can they buy/sell things in class.

One boy decided to bite himself hard on his arms, several times, right before recess. He was upset with me for sending him to the nurse during recess, so I reminded him that if he hadn't hurt himself, he wouldn't have needed to see the nurse during recess!

Another boy spent the day whistling and didn't do any work at all.

And my favorite from this crazy day was walking past a 1st grade boy's desk and seeing this:
I asked him why he felt like he needed to do this....did he see someone touching his desk and his things? He answered, "No, but they are sneaky!"  Ummm, ok!

Many other strange things occurred today, but I was too busy all day to stop and think about it. Once I had the chance to sit down and relax this evening, I saw the full moon.  I should have known!

Monday, March 18, 2013


     During Dismissal Duty outside today, I discovered that my school is a designated Fallout Shelter!  I have worked there for 2 years and only just noticed the sign near the front door.  Then again, I almost never use the front door!  You don't see these signs around much anymore!  Actually, I think this is the first time I've ever seen one in person!  But now I know where to go in case of a nuclear explosion!  Too bad it only fits 455, while our school is about 600.  Hmmm....

Saturday, March 2, 2013


(see previous posts on Trash Police)

BUSTED!!  That's right!  My trash kid was caught in the act!!!  He put a girl's school supply box in one of the small desktop trash buckets (I had to remove the regular class trash cans a few weeks ago and hide them behind my desk because of all the important things he was throwing away- school boxes, jackets, purses, backpacks, textbooks, etc...).  The school box didn't really fit well in the small plastic bucket, so he was caught in the act of putting it in there!!  The class went crazy!  I was stunned!  We finally discovered who it was!

The funny thing is...it WASN'T the boy I thought after all!  He was my second choice!  He was one of the new students I received in January (so I was right about that), just wrong about which boy it was!  But now I know!! I'll be keeping a closer eye on him and the trash cans from now on.  I may even bring a regular trash can back out and let my second graders use it, and keep the first graders using the small trash buckets until I can figure out why he is throwing things away, and how to break the habit!

So glad this mystery was solved!